(PRINCETON, NJ - JULY 31, 2013) - NAFA’s 3rd Annual
International Fleet Academy is quickly becoming a "who’s who" of global
fleet managers around the world. Joining the impressive roster of
high-profile fleet professionals is Giovanni Tortorici, the President of
the Italian Association of Managers Buyers and Used Cars (AIAGA).
Tortorici, the Purchasing Manager at Barilla, will be part of an
esteemed group of global fleet managers that includes Joe Carreira (the
2012 International Fleet Manager of the Year), Gayle Pratt (former NAFA
President), and Joe LaRosa (NAFA’s International Vice President). The
annual global fleet conference, which takes place October 21-23 at Loews
Ventana Canyon in Tucson, Arizona, is attracting attendees from
throughout North America.
"We’re quickly building a lineup for the ages!" said NAFA’s Executive
Director, Phillip E. Russo, CAE. "The brightest minds from throughout
the international community recognize the importance of quality global
fleet education. They’re excited to offer their knowledge and
experience and we’re excited to have them on board!"
Tortorici described the creation of AIAGA as a fundamental step towards
the full recognition and growth of the profession of car fleet manager,
a responsibility that is an integral part of the most advanced
strategies procurement business. Founded in Bologna, AIAGA is comprised
of managers with fleet responsibilities over vehicles of major national
and multinational companies. The main purposes of the association
involve: "the promotion of studies and research in the automotive
business, the promotion of training and updating of employees for the
purchase and management of company cars to be used for activity of the
company or even as elements of the remuneration packages of executives
and business executives, and the promotion of studies, research, and
training in the field of enterprise mobility."
NAFA’s 3rd annual International Fleet Academy will take
place October 21-23 at Loews Ventana Canyon in Tucson, AZ. The 3-day
conference was designed specifically to meet the needs of those who
manage fleets outside of the United States and Canada. In addition to
over 15 educational sessions, the conference offers exclusive networking
opportunities and a cocktail reception and dinner each night.
Early-bird registration is $650 for NAFA members and $1,105 for
non-members. After August 16, registration costs are $799 for NAFA
members and $1,550 for non-members. Fleet professionals may save $200
off the registration costs by joining NAFA as they register.
Attendees receive several value-added educational items to take back to
the office including a ready-to-use executive summary; free
subscription to International Fleet World magazine; the newly
published NAFA’s Global Fleet Guide; and valuable checklists for
policies, RFIs, and RFQs. All total, it’s a resource package valued at
$2,500 - well worth the registration costs alone.
For more information visit http://www.nafa.org/international.
About NAFA Fleet Management Association
NAFA is the world’s premier non-profit association for professionals
who manage fleets of sedans, public safety vehicles, trucks, and buses
of all types and sizes, and a wide range of military and off-road
equipment for organizations across the globe. NAFA is the association
for the diverse vehicle fleet management profession regardless of
organizational type, geographic location or fleet composition. NAFA’s
Full and Associate Members are responsible for the specification,
acquisition, maintenance and repair, fueling, risk management, and
remarketing of more than 3.5 million vehicles including in excess of 1.1
million trucks of which 350 thousand are medium- and heavy-duty trucks.
For more information visit http://www.nafa.org.
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